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Syhart 113A

Sold out decals sets :

- Syhart 001 TORNADO IDS 44+08 20 Jahre Tornado JBG-38 "Friesland" 2003

- Syhart 002 TORNADO IDS 45+30 45 Jahre MFG-2 & 90 Jahre Marinefliegers 2003

- Syhart 003 TORNADO IDS 46+20 Solo Display MFG-2 2002/ 2003

- Syhart 004 Dassault Mirage IVP n°59 93-CF "C'est Fini !" 1964 - 2005

- Syhart 005 Dassault Mirage 2000C 12-KV 60 ans EC2/12 "Picardie" 2003

- Syhart 006 F-16A Falcon FA-72 80 Years 2nd Squadron "Comète" Belgian AF 1997

- Syhart 007 F-4F Phantom II 37+11 "Phly-out Hopsten AB" December 2005

- Syhart 008 Dassault Mirage 2000C 12-YL "Tigermeet'2003"

- Syhart 009 Dassault Mirage 2000-5F 2-FD "Low Viz" 50 Ans EC2/2 "Côte d'Or" 2000

- Syhart 010 Dassault Mirage 2000D 3-XD 60 Ans EC3/3"Ardennes" 2003

- Syhart 011 Dassault Mirage 2000-5F n°77 330-AX "Tigermeet 2004"

- Syhart 012 Dassault Mirage 2000C 12-YO "Tigermeet 2005"

- Syhart 013 Dassault Mirage 2000-5F 2-FN "High Viz" 50 Ans EC2/2 "Côte d'Or" 2000

- Syhart 014 Dassault Mirage 2000-5F n°72 20 years Mirage 2000 "Cigognes" 2004

- Syhart 015 Dassault Mirage 2000C n°101 EC2/2 "Special Côte d'Or" 1998

- Syhart 016 10x Tails Special colors Belgians F-16 2001-2005

- Syhart 017 Dassault Mirage 2000-5F #40 2-FG 20 years Mirage 2000 "Côte d'Or" 2004

- Syhart 018 RF-4C Phantom II 12-64 "Titanes Phorever" ALA 12 2002

- Syhart 019 F-16AM Falcon J-055 KLU Solo Display 2005-06 (Re-released)

- Syhart 020 Dassault Mirage 2000C 12-YM "Tigermeet 2006"

- Syhart 021 Mirage F.1C 33-FM "Last Flight" 1973 - 2003

- Syhart 023 Jaguar A7 & A96 15 years of Jaguar in EC3/11 "Corse" 1990

- Syhart 024 Dassault Falcon 10MER #185 "50 Years 57S" 1953 - 2003

- Syhart 025 Dassault Mirage F-1C 12-YA #50 "Tigermeet'94"

- Syhart 026 F-16A Falcon FA-110 80 Years 1st Squadron "Stingers" Belgian AF 1997

- Syhart 027 Dassault Mirage 2000C 2-EN #36 "EC1/2 French AF & 1REG Polish AF" 1993

- Syhart 028 Dassault Mirage F-1C 12-YH #16 "Tigermeet'91"

- Syhart 029 Dassault Mirage 2000C 12-YF #105 "90 Years SPA89" 2007

- Syhart 030 Dassault Mirage 2000C #35 NL "Retirement EC1/5 Vendée" 2007

- Syhart 031 F-16AM Falcon FA-101 90 Years 1st Sqn "Stingers" 2007

- Syhart 032 Dassault Mirage 2000N 3-JO desert scheme 10000H Mirage 2000 K2 EC2/3 "Champagne" 1993

- Syhart 033 Tornado IDS MM7005 156° Gruppo "Lynx" 60000 Ore di Volo 1984 - 2007

- Syhart 034 Dassault Mirage 2000C 12-YB "Tigermeet 2007"

- Syhart 035 RF-4E Phantom II 98+01 WTD-61 "Last Klick" Manching AB 1995

- Syhart 036 SAAB JA-37 VIGGEN #46 "Monster Viggen" F4 2004

- Syhart 037 SAAB JA-37 VIGGEN #12 "Black Viggen" F4 2004

- Syhart 038 SAAB SF-37 VIGGEN #48 "AKKTU STAKKI" F21 2005

- Syhart 039 Dassault Super-Etendard #49 & 62 "Tigermeet 2007"

- Syhart 040 F-4F Phantom II 38+49 "50 Years F-4 Phantom & 35 Jahre F-4F" 2008

- Syhart 041 Mirage 2000C 12-YN "90 Years SPA162" June 2008

- Syhart 042 Mirage 2000C 12-YB "Tigermeet 2008"

- Syhart 043 F-16AM Falcon FA-121 & FA-72 "Special Tails 1st & 350th Sqn" July 2008

- Syhart 044 Mirage 2000C 12-KA "90 Years SPAs Squadrons" EC2/12 Picardie, October 2008

- Syhart 045 F-16AM Falcon J-063 & J-876 "60 & 65 Years 322Sqn" KLU 2003 & 2008

- Syhart 046 Mig-29 Fulcrum 6829 "Slovak Tiger 2002"

- Syhart 048 Dassault Mirage IVP #57 CD "Retirement EB 2/91 Bretagne" 1964 -1996

- Syhart 049 Dassault Mirage IVP #23 AV "40 Years F.A.S" 1964 - 2004

- Syhart 050 F-4E Phantom II 68-506 Mira 337 "Archangel 2005" Hellenic AF

- Syhart 051 Boeing KC-135R USAF #61-0313 "RIAT Tiger 2005"

- Syhart 052 Mirage 2000B #512 5-OU "60 Years F.A.F.L" EC 2/5 2002
Mirage 2000B #520 5-AN "Olympic Games Albertville 92" EC 3/5

- Syhart 053 F-16AM Falcon FA-87 "Tigermeet 2006-08" 31 Sqn Belgian AF

- Syhart 054 F-16AM Falcon J-008 "55 Years 313Sqn" Royal Netherlands Air Force 2008

- Syhart 055 F-16AM Falcon J-015 "Solo Display Team 2009-2013" Royal Netherlands Air Force

- Syhart 059 F/A-18C Hornet J-5017 & J-5018 Staffel 17 & 18 Swiss Air Force 2010

- Syhart 062 AH-64D Apache Q-19 "Apache Solo Display" Royal Netherland Air Force 2010

- Syhart 068 F-16AM Falcon FA-68 70 Years 350Sqn 2011 + Stencils

- Syhart 070 F/A-18F Super Hornet No 165677 "100 Years Naval Aviation" VFA-122

- Syhart 071 F-16AM Falcon FA-84 "Solo Display 2012-2013" Belgian Air Force

- Syhart 079 Rafale M #27 "Tigermeet 2014" Flottille 11F + (Bonus : Rafale M #15 & M31 - with tiger tanks)

- Syhart 101 F-16A Falcon FA-72 & FA-110 80 Years "1st Sqn Stingers" & "2nd Sqn Comete" BAF 1997

- Syhart 106 Mirage 2000EG/EGM, BG/BGM, -5EG, -5BG "Hellenic Air Force"
Included : Mirage 2000EGM "25 Years 332Sqn" 2014

- Syhart 113A F-16AM Falcon FA-124 "75 years D-Day" 349Sqn - Belgian Air Force (stencils included)

- Syhart 113B F-16AM Falcon FA-57 "75 years D-Day" 350Sqn - Belgian Air Force (stencils included)

- Syhart 904 CF-100 Canuck & TF/F-104G Starfighter 350Sqn - Belgian Air Force

- Syhart 905 F-16A/B Falcon, standard stencils data Belgian Air Force and others

- Syhart 906 French Air Forces Badges 1995 - 2010

- Syhart 908 Spitfire in 350 Squadron - RAF & Belgian AF 1941 - 1949

Syhart 113A - Discontinued reference -- Reissue is not garanteed (infos ?)
F-16AM Falcon FA-124 "75 years D-Day" 349Sqn - Belgian Air Force   (stencils included)
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The 349th & 350th Squadrons were founded on 1942, and 1941 within Royal Air Force with Belgian staff. On June 1944, these squadrons took part to D-Day operations in Normandy conducting patrols and escorts on Spitfires.

On 2019, for the 75th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, two F-16s from Belgian Air Force were painted with the "invasion stripes" on fuselage and wings, and the images of the Spitfires flying high above the beaches of Normandy on the tail.

  • This F-16AM Falcon FA-124, flown by 349th Fighter Squadron, based on Kleine Brogel.
              (camouflage base : "standard") (this decals set)
  • coded GE-S, with the invasion stripes, on wings and fuselage, over the "standard" camouflage & stencils (orange triangles, pale yellow "Rescue" arrows…)

  • The F-16AM Falcon FA-57, flown by 350th Fighter Squadron, based on Florennes. (Syhart 113B)
              (with the new "Full-grey" camouflage)
  • coded MN-L, with the invasion stripes, on wings and fuselage, over the new "Full-grey" stenciling & camouflage (grey triangles, grey "Rescue" arrows…) (available here)

    This decals set contain all decals to complete one aircraft (the FA-124 of 349Sqn), including the stencils (maintenance marks) – the other F-16 "75 Years D-Day" (the FA-57 of 350Sqn) is available too, as reference Syhart 113B).

    Special offer : The packs "113A+B" include the 2 references about specials "F-16 D-Day"
    (References Syhart 113A + Syhart 113B) for only:
  • 16,00EUR on 1/72 (instead of 20,00EUR)
  • 20,00EUR on 1/48 (instead of 26,00EUR)
  • 1/72
    Decals :
    Sold out
    10,00 EUR

    Decals :
    Sold out
    13,00 EUR

    Pack 1/72 - 72-113A+B
    Decals :
    Sold out
    16,00 EUR

    Pack 1/48 - 48-113A+B
    Decals :
    Sold out
    20,00 EUR

    Get -10% on your order - pick-up it during a model show !
    1. Join me your order by Email (name + references + quantity + show for pick-up...)
    2. I join you the total amount (no shipment and -10%)
    3. You can pay by Paypal or IBAN (I may join you paypal request if you want)
    4. I confirm your order number for pickup. your items are booked
      in case you missed the show, I refund it, or convert to normal order (+ shipment).

      You could pick-up you order during :

    • 23rd Février 2025 - Modelbouwhappening - 2870 Puurs -Sint-Amands (Belgique)
    • 22 & 23 Mars 2025 - Expo Maquette Bron 2025 - Bron (France - 69)

    - This set 1/72 consists of :
          - 4 decals sheets (2 larges + 1 medium + 1 small)
          - 1 A4 colored page of instructions (front / back).

    - This set 1/48 consists of :
          - 4 decals sheets (2 larges + 1 medium + 1 small)
          - 1 A4 colored page of instructions (front / back).

    Thanks to Mr Johan Wolfs, original author of this scheme.

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    Conditions générales de vente & Mentions légales - Copyright © Syhart Decal - Sylvain Hautier. Tous droits réservés / all rights reserved.